NTT docomo × NTT - YOYOGI CANDLE 2020 Logo
Concept make, Identity planning, Copy writing, Naming, Art direction, Design, Film direction, Edit
[a breakthrough projection mapping experience using a smartphone web application]
2018 New York Festival - FINALIST CERTIFICATE
NTT docomo × NTT - YOYOGI CANDLE 2020
Projection Mapping, Campaign ~ NTT docomo, NTT
株式会社NTTドコモと日本電信電話株式会社が未来のスポーツイベントの機運向上の施策として、NTTドコモ代々木ビルにて開催したインタラクティブなプロジェクションマッピングイベント『YOYOGI CANDLE 2020(ヨヨギキャンドル)』のコンセプトメイク、ネーミング、ロゴ、キーヴィジュアル、PRツール、ステージ、スタッフジャケットなど全体のアートディレクションおよびデザイン、モーションキャプチャーと共に全編3DCGによる投影映像のディレクション、後パブ用としての記録映像編集までを担当しました。
事前告知は開催日のみ、イベントの全貌を伝える専用Webサイトやポスター、フライヤー配布等は当日0時からの情報解禁であったが新宿駅南口を覆うように人々に参加いただき、「YOYOGI CANDLE 2020」はデジタルサイネージアワード2018にてグランプリ受賞に加え、技術・ハード、エンターテインメントの2部門で受賞、2018 New York Festivalにおいてもファイナリストにノミネートしました。
未来のスポーツイベントの機運向上の下に開催した新体感プロジェクションマッピングプロジェクト、YOYOGI CANDLE 2020。WEBアプリを介して個人のスマートフォンが投影面とリアルタイムに同期・参加できるコンテンツと共にビル上部のLEDとも連動した3部構成の演出、全30分となる本施策。
To celebrate an upcoming sports event, we created “YOYOGI CANDLE 2020” - a breakthrough projection mapping experience using a smartphone web application to allow users to decorate the NTT Docomo Yoyogi Building with features such as messages and control of the colored LED lights. The event was divided into three parts, each lasting 10 minutes.
In the first section, users sent messages about the upcoming event via the smartphone web app. These messages were projected onto the side of the building, and scrolled from the bottom up with different colours, creating a vibrant display to light up the city streets.
Next, a video showcased various sports, and its soundtrack was synced to the application, allowing users to seamlessly listen on their personal device as they watched the video on the side of the building.
In the final part, next generation 5G wireless technology and “Kirari!” video extraction software were used to project a live karate display onto the building. As the action unfurled, app users could send emojis to encourage the athlete and add further excitement and interactivity to the event. We also set up a hands-on demo area, so people could experience these technologies for themselves.
This project was the first of its kind to be realized on such a large scale in Japan, because of strict outdoor advertising regulations. The iconic NTT Docomo Yoyogi Building was transformed into a bright new landmark in the Tokyo night skyline. The project succeeded in creating a buzz around the upcoming sports event using cutting edge technologies in new ways. -
Concept, Plan, Script, Naming, Art director, Designer, Film director, Editor: Yusuke Kobayashi
Executive producer: Hiroki Nagao
Assistant producer: Fumiya Kobayashi
Creative director: Hiroshi Koike
Creative producer: Yutaka Kondo
Assistant director: Takuya Nishi
Record producer: Naoki Yamamoto [P-CAMP Inc.]
Composer: Takahiro Uchiyama [Freelance]
Designer: Ryohei Kaneda
Photographer: Keta Tamamura [Freelance]
CGI: Saki Katsume
Casting: Yuya Tanaka
Offline editor: Yusuke Kobayashi
Narrator: Bianca Allen [MT Globe]
[IMG SRC inc.]
Producer: Arata Kanbayashi
Director: Yuya Kato
Assistant director: Naoki Komura
Assistant director: Takumu Hanatsuka
Designer: Takanori Nishi
Designer: Shingo Fukushima
Technical director / Hardware engineer: Masanori Mori
Technical director / Software engineer: Masanori Yoshii
Software engineer: Yoshiyuki Saito
Software engineer: Seiya Tanaka
Software engineer: Shohei Kawata
Software engineer: Hiroaki Kitamura
Software engineer: Teruo Nakanishi
[TOW Co.,Ltd.]
Responsible for total operation: Isao Miyake
Responsible for stage direction: Takayuki Tanaka
Responsible for field operation: Takashi Nishizaki
Responsible for stage direction: Aoi Tanaka
[S2 Factory, Inc.]
Technical director / Backend engineer: Hiroyuki Hanai
Backend engineer: Shu Takano[Komaden Corporation]
LED Control: Takayuki Saito
Control: Hiroaki Tomita
LED Control: Juon Gon
[NAKED Inc.]
Chief producer: Yukio Ohya
Producer: Atsushi Saida
Production manager: Tatsuya Sato
Director: Sho Nishimura
Sound Director: Kiyoshi Tsutsumi
Producer: Noriyuki Imoto
Cinematographer: Koichi Takagi
Production manager: Shudai Suzuki
Colourist: Masahiro Ishiyama
Online editor: Takuya Kubo
Assistant editor: Tomomi Tachiwada
Executive producer: Kazuhiro Yamada
Executive producer: Satoshi Oda
Executive producer: Yoshiyuki Okada
Production: NON-GRID Inc.Production: IMG SRC Inc.
NTT DOCOMO, INC.Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation